Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 1 Completed!

So I found a friend who wanted to do this with me, and she is a little more versed in all of the gym equipment, etc. than I am, so we went to the gym this morning at 5:00 a.m. and did workout #1. She was smart and wrote out all of the circuits on a little 3X5 card. It went very smoothly. I had read through the exercises, and she had actually done the workout once at home, so it went very well. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, but it was a good workout. I'm sure they will get harder. I am also trying to train for the St. George marathon, so I did a 4-mile easy run from the gym to my house (my friend had picked me up to go to the gym, so this worked out perfectly.) I was home by 6:30. I'm excited. I think this is going to work. Now if I can just get my eating under control, maybe I can get this body into shape!

1 comment:

  1. Good job!! I feel like I learn a lot each time I do this! I am now half way through. I am really enjoying the change. The way I ate at Wasatch Back kind of messed me up, but it was worth it! Keep us posted!
